Helping CASSA – En Espanol

Comentarios de Partners for A Greater Voice sobre: CASSA

El Centro de Asistencia para Sordos San Andres emergió como uno de varios proyectos en la República Dominicana y lo fue apoyado por más de nueve años. Inició en el 2002 cuando Joanne se reunió con 13 familias en Boca Chica, trabajando de cerca con habitante local Estebania Concepción. Un grupo de padres llamado Padres Unidos empezó por Estebania y este evolucionó a ser una escuela la cual ella registró con el nombre de Centro Asistencia para Sordos San Andres (CASSA) en el 2005. Estebania colaboró con Diorka Nolasco, una madre de una niña con pérdida profunda de audición, despues de un programa de Partners de entrenamiento en los EEUU en 2003, y antes de que Diorka asumiera control completo del programa CASSA en el 2005


En septiembre de 2011, CASSA matriculó más de 50 esudiantes de edades de 3 años a 20 años. En el momento CASSA tiene un program aural por las mañanas y un programa vocacional de las tardes basada en señas. Durante los últimos años, CASSA ha accedido a fondos donados dentro del país, y ahora operan independemente. La directora de la escuela, Diorka, invitó a una maestra de sordos jubilada de Tampa, Florida, a ser su nueva directora de educación durante el verano de 2011. Partners tuvo su quinto y último visita de audiología a CASSA en el septiembre de 2011, durante la cual transferieron el manejo de salud auditiva a un técnico auditivo, Misael Restituyo.

Partners se encuentra orgullosa de ha trabajado juntos con CASSA durante los años hasta verlo en su estatus presente sustentable. Habían más de 23 visitas a esta comunidad occuridas entre 2002 y 2011, las cuales apoyaron a los padres y maestras ayudandoles a niños jovenes a escuchar y hablar con aparatos auditivas donados por Partner. Más de 18 voluntariados se juntaron a Partners en proyectos en CASSA que fomentaron la independencia para CASSA y la educación pro niños sordos orales.

Fondos otorgados del International Foundation, Quota International, y Lions Club de Ipswich significamente agregaron valor a los proyectos de Partners designados para CASSA, y las cuales cumaron más de $42,000 USD. Esta no incluye todas las donaciones y gastos de voluntariados expendidos en los años fiscales 2004 a 2011. Con estos fondos limitados, Partners fue capaz de fomentar en CASSA un ambiente saludable por familias y niños con pérdida auditiva mediante consejos al personal, consejos a madres y padres, donaciones de tecnología, materiales educativos y libros, educación para padres y maestros en el desarollo de audición, entrenamiento de alfabetización, planeamiento de lecciones, y tres becas para maestras con el fin de obtener su licencia universitaria.

Una nueva escuela por los niños de CASSA fue acordado inicialmente por la directora de la escuela en el 2010, pero una resolución de Partners lo revocó en septiembre 2011 cuando la junta de Partners acordó de no avanzar con el proyecto.

Partners cree que

  1. establecer CASSA como una corporación oficial y reconocido por el Ministro de Educación es requirido antes de que se considerara un edificio nuevo,
  2. terrenos y edificios están en manos privadas, y caras y dificiles de obtener,
  3. una mejora de lecciones en los aulas y las curricula que usan Comunicación Total es deseado antes de que se considerara cualquier cambio de local (nueva directora de educación),
  4. el personal de CASSA se encuentra cómodo y complacido en su local presente,
  5. tecnología y el manejo de salud auditivo se ha transferido de PGV a un técnico de audiología dentro del país y no se requiere el apoyo continuo de Partners por ello.

No se espera interés futuro a seguir con este proyecto siendo que la escuela se considera sostenible y puede operar con recursos dentro del país. Las maestras y consultantes de padres establecidos en CASSA siempre estarán bienvenidas en talleres de Partners for A Greater Voice ofrecidas en la República Dominicana.


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Helping CASSA

Comments from Partners for A Greater Voice, RE: CASSA

Centro Asistencia para Sordos San Andres (CASSA) emerged as one of many projects in the Dominican Republic and was supported for over nine years. It began in 2002 when Joanne met with 13 families in Boca Chica, working closely with local resident Estebania Concepcion. A parent group called Padres Unidos was started by Estebania and this eventually evolved into a school she registered in the name of Centro Asistencia para Sordos San Andres (CASSA) in 2005. Estebania collaborated with Diorka Nolasco, a parent of a child with profound hearing loss, after a Partners’ USA training program in 2003 and before Diorka took full control of the CASSA program in 2005.


In September of 2011 CASSA had enrolled more than 50 students ages 3 to 20. A morning oral program and an afternoon sign based/vocational program emerged to meet the needs of students. Over recent years, CASSA has sourced funds granted from within the country, and they now operating independently.  Partners for A Greater Voice had over 14 teacher training missions to CASSA, and had their last of 5 audiology mission in September of 2011. Transfer of hearing health services to in-country audiology took place thereafter.

Partners is proud to have worked with CASSA over the years to see it to its current sustainable status. There were 23 visits to this community that occurred between 2002 and 2011, and which supported parents and teachers helping young children learn to listen and talk with hearing devices that Partners donated. Over 18 volunteers joined Partners in projects at CASSA that fostered CASSA’s independence and education for oral deaf children.

Grant money from the International Foundation, Quota International and Lions Club of Ipswich had significantly added value to Partners’ projects designated for CASSA and which totaled over $42,000. This did not include all the donations and volunteer contributions received between fiscal years 2004 and 2011. With limited funding, Partners fro A Greater Voice established CASSA and supported a healthy environment for families and children with hearing loss. Over the years, we provided counsel to staff, parent support, hearing and assistive technology, books and school supplies, teacher and parent education, training in auditory development, hearing health education, literacy training, lesson plan development, audiological services, and university scholarships to several teachers.

Partners for A Grater Voice encourages sustainability of al their projects, and recommends to CASSA the following actions:

  1. establishing CASSA as an official corporation and recognized by the Ministry of Education for establishing support;
  2. collaborating with both aural and sign language specialists to support a two separate programs (afternoon and morning);
  3. improving classroom lessons and teacher education;
  4. collaborating with other schools in the Dominican Republic to foster education for students, administration, and operations;
  5. shifting mindset of CASSA staff to be receptive to parent partnerships;
  6. encouraging on going parent meetings that inform, support, and value parent needs;
  7. inviting humanitarian audiologists whenever possible.

The school considers itself sustainable through the country’s Ministry of Education. The teachers and Parent Consultants PGV trained at CASSA and in San Andres will always be welcomed at Partners for A Greater Voice workshops.

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The Hearing and Speech Center Complete!

The Hearing and Speech Center Complete!

Partners for A Greater Voice (PGV) and Centro Cristiano de Servicios Médicos (CCSM) have been collaborating since 2011. In memory of Joanne’s parents, Don and Marie Senecal, contributions made it possible to construct an acoustically modified speech therapy room adjacent to the hospital’s audiology clinic.  Equipped with donations and therapy materials for developing listening and spoken language, The Hearing and Speech Center opened in the Spring of 2013.

Aural habilitation services, hearing aids, and education programs in listening and spoken language for the deaf and hard of hearing are scarce in the Dominican Republic. For the first time, CCSM can offer aural habilitation at The Hearing and Speech Center. Maria Estella Rivera, who has participated in PGV’s teacher training programs since 2008, began providing children listening and spoken language therapy. Therapy sessions involve learning to listen, language development, literacy development, and parent education for deaf and hard of hearing children.

Partners for A Greater Voice continues to consult, educate and support CCSM. Our Give the Gift of Hearing continues to help families in need, as do annual trips to support Estella’s continued education.  Often, PGV provides workshops to deepen knowledge in aural habilitation, parent education, listening and spoken language, literacy, and a variety of hearing health topics. While hundreds of hearing aids parts and devices have been donated to the audiology clinic, PGV collaborates with CCSM staff to foster their understanding of aural habilitation and its importance, as well as meaningful parent meetings that can coach, engage, and educate caregivers.

Donate to give the gift now!



July 2012 Mission on Center Based Learning a success!

July 2012 Mission on Center Based Learning a success!

Partners for A Greater Voice traveled in July 29th for an Education Training initiative focused on centered based language learning. Neal Riemer, MEd. and a Director of Partners for A Greater Voice, Ashley Kachelmeyer, MED and Victoria Vendola, MED set up preschool classrooms to support teachers and preschoolers. The week long training program was held at at Instituto de Ayuda al Sordo Santa Rosa, where over 40 preschool children attend. The team furnished preschool classrooms with recently donated container of supplies, collaborated with teachers, and worked with staff and students in this mini summer school event. Joanne Travers also held several parent meetings to explore and consult on “Building Resilience – Self Reflection and Parent Empowerment”. She continued to advocate for listening and spoken language development.
